Prepare for the Wild Goose Masquerade Ball on Oct. 28, 2023, with a series of 4 lessons, each including both swing and fox trot. Starting Saturday, September 30, going for 4 weeks, building from beginning to intermediate level. $10 at the door. Come to any or all depending on what you already know. I will build each lesson on the preceding class(es) taught.
Pre-Ball Waltz Classes with Barb Roach
In preparation for the Wild Goose Masquerade Ball, on Oct. 28, this is the first in a series of 4 waltz classes, all of which will include both rotary and cross-step waltz. Each class will build on the class(es) taught before, with the 4th class being at an advanced level. You can come to any or all. Doors open 10:45 am so all can be ready to dance at 11 am.