
Support the Boulder Dance Coalition with Your Donation

We are a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational organization, incorporated in the state of Colorado in 1989, EIN: 74-2558199. If you itemize, your donation is tax deductible; check with your tax accountant.

Write a check and mail to:
                        Boulder Dance Coalition
                        6185 Arapahoe Road
                        Boulder, CO 80303
                        Attn:  President

To use a credit card, click the link below or go to the Colorado Gives website at and search for Boulder Dance Coalition to see our profile. Note that Colorado Gives charges us 2.9% of your donation.

Zelle – If you use Zelle, you can make a donation to

ReFund – donate part or all of your state of Colorado tax refund on your tax form by specifying Boulder Dance Coalition, registration number 20023006092.

Cryptocurrency – we now accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, or USD Coin via

Donate Crypto

Also, please consider remembering the Boulder Dance Coalition in your will or estate.