BDC membership and the web site

Boulder Dance Coalition’s mission

The Boulder Dance Coalition is a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational organization, incorporated in the state of Colorado in 1988.  Our mission is to promote public participation in music, dance, and other folk arts in the Front Range of Colorado, to encourage expansion of these activities in the larger community, to develop facilities for these activities, and to provide services for other organizations and individuals that share these goals.

Group membership requirements

Organizations are welcomed as members if:

  • The group shares our mission and goals.
  • The group has the potential for becoming contributing members of our folk arts community.
  • The group activities support the BDC mission; specifically, the group engages in folk arts, including music, dance, or other movement-related endeavors—either performance or participatory—that have a tradition of bringing community members together.
  • The group is regarded favorably in the city or town in which it operates.
  • Its activities are seen as having a positive contribution to the community.

There is no geographic limitation on the activities of the BDC, but historically the BDC has operated along the Front Range and nearby where its group and individual members can develop a sense of community through contact and shared activities.

Individual membership requirements

Any person can become an individual member; simply fill out the application form.

Membership is your commitment to the community

  1. Financially:

Your group membership fee (or donation for individual members) contributes to promoting the coalition’s activities, such this web site. The assessed fee is modest to accommodate all financial levels, but we encourage those who can to give at a higher level. Fees are listed on the group application. See also Donations.

2. Organizationally:

Members are invited each year to vote for the Board of Directors of the coalition. The Board of Directors makes decisions about how to manage the coalition’s funds, what projects to undertake, and more. We encourage you to meet the board members and to understand the workings of the organization. See Who We Are.

3. Through active participation and ownership:

The Avalon is owned, in essence, by the members. While we have a small staff, most of the work is accomplished through volunteers in both formal and informal ways.

You can participate formally by joining a committee or helping with a project, such as installing lighting, repairing damage to the building, or pulling weeds. See Volunteer.

You participate informally whenever you are in The Avalon by acting as a steward for the building. We rely on the members to put things right if they see something amiss, or to contact management if an issue cannot be resolved on the spot.

Benefits of your membership in the Boulder Dance Coalition

1. Enjoying a robust folk arts and dance community:

Your membership in the BDC supports the creation and management of The Avalon Ballroom, as well as events held at other venues. By supporting the many activities sponsored by BDC and its member groups, you help build a better community.

2. Special pricing for renting space at the Avalon.

As a group member of the BDC, you are eligible to receive special member pricing for recurring rentals at the Avalon. (Member pricing does not pertain to individual members or one-time events.) See rental rates.

3. Publicity for your group and activities on the BDC web site:

Group members may list your group on this web site, including the public events calendar, which provides your information to all of our participants, as well as future attendees looking to find out what activities and groups exist on the Colorado Front Range.

Group leaders can obtain a login name and password from the web administrator at Please include your membership confirmation, group name, and web contact name and email address with your request.