The Boulder Dance Coalition and The Avalon are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment free from harassment for everyone, regardless of race, color, religion, age, gender, gender expression or identity, disability, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or place of origin. We do not tolerate harassment in any manner.
Harassment is any activity or behavior that makes others feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe.
- Unwanted touch, sexual advances, or remarks, including, but not limited to, jokes, threats, and innuendos violate this policy. The sidebar contains additional examples.
- Harassment does not require malicious intent; the impacts on the person reporting the harassment must be addressed regardless of intent. Behavior that, in the opinion of the reporting individual, impairs their ability to safely participate in The Avalon community is included in the definition of harassment.
This policy applies to all those present at The Avalon, as well as at events held by the Boulder Dance Coalition, regardless of position, including event organizers and Avalon staff.
Anyone who is asked to stop harassing behavior is expected to comply immediately.
Based on the seriousness and type of harassment, actions taken to stop the harassment may include, but are not limited to: warning the harasser, temporarily suspending the harasser from all Avalon events, permanently excluding the harasser from all Avalon events, or contacting the Boulder County Sheriff. The Boulder Dance Coalition and Avalon staff will assist, to the fullest extent possible, any authority investigating harassment incidents occurring at The Avalon or at any Boulder Dance Coalition event.
If you feel that you have been harassed, and are unable to resolve the situation yourself, contact the event organizer or the Boulder Dance Coalition Safety Representative at Your report will be kept confidential unless or until you specify otherwise.