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Fort Collins Tuesday Night Folk Dancers | Social Dance


The Fort Collins Tuesday Night Folk Dancers (FCTNFD, or just TNFD) hold recreational, international folk dancing every Tuesday night from 7:30 – 9:30 PM at the Empire Grange, 2306 W Mulberry St, Fort Collins, CO 80521. All are invited to attend, and we are excited to have new dancers learning the old traditions…and the modern too! No experience or partner necessary. $3 donation. Dances from Albania to Wales, beginning to advanced; lines, circles, couples, old, new, and everything in between!

We do not have a dedicated teaching schedule, but new dances and old dances are taught and/or reviewed as the group composition guides us on a particular night. We enjoy the social aspect of the dance, and we frequently designate an evening to be a “Party!” and people bring snacks to celebrate whatever the occasion happens to be. We are very easy going, but don’t think that we shy away from serious dancing!

Get the latest info from our website and our Facebook page.

Contact Information


David Poulson



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