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All events for Waltz Swing with Joan Walton

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Nov 2023

Wednesday November 1st 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Swing, Waltz
$10 or $15 with Waltz Revolution admission
Avalon Ballroom
6185 Arapahoe Rd
Boulder, CO 80303 United States

Dorothy Vernon: dorothyblue@gmail.com

Joan Walton Mini Workshop November 1st – 6:30-7:30 $10 or $15 with Waltz Revolution admission We are super excited to have Joan Walton for a mini-workshop before Waltz Revolution on November first. Joan will be partnered by Tracey Powers for a one hour workshop on Waltz Swing.  Waltz Swing is founded on borrowed steps from either Night Club Twp Step or Swing, done in Waltz time! Joan and Tracey will also lead our regular 7:30-8:00 lesson on November first  with…

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