Feb 2025
Cuban Style Salsa Dancing This class is intended for people who have successfully completed at least three months of regular salsa classes, plus one month of Cuban-style salsa. This class will introduce you to all the basic concepts of partner dancing in Cuban style, also know as "Casino." Casino is very different from other salsa styles, and is more circular in nature and often more playful. This is a four-week course. Price for all four weeks is $60 single /…
Full Details »Cuban Style Salsa Dancing This class is intended for people who have successfully completed at least three months of regular salsa classes, plus one month of Cuban-style salsa. This class will introduce you to all the basic concepts of partner dancing in Cuban style, also know as "Casino." Casino is very different from other salsa styles, and is more circular in nature and often more playful. This is a four-week course. Price for all four weeks is $60 single /…
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